Sunday, March 10, 2013
For more than a decade now I have tried to ask Venezuelan politicians or government petrocrats and oiligarchs, such as Hugo Chavez, where they get that crazy idea that they are able to sow trillion dollars of oil seeds better than what each Venezuelan citizens can do sowing a couple of hundred dollars of that seed per month. And they never answer.
For more than a decade now I have tied to ask the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board where they get that crazy idea that if banks only lend to “The Infallible” and avoid like the pest lending to “The [dirty] Risky”, everything is going to be fine and dandy. And they never answer.
I guess the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board and Hugo Chavez are genetically from the same stock... in other words, the same not accepting to be held accountable to no one shit.