Saturday, October 12, 2024

The credit rating agencies; if not the biggest, one of the biggest empowered systemic risks of my times.

The hardest part when warning and having a small voice, is when those you most need should heed it, since they’re the ones who can most loudly voice it,  or do something about it, have themselves kept silence on it, or caused the dangers you warn about.

On the margin of the risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements, there, where it most counts for the final bank credit allocation decisions, the systemic risk of the undue influence assigned to the credit rating agencies, is still well alive and kicking.

It would seem that the regulators thought the credit rating agencies possessed some extraterrestrial sensorial abilities that other humans did not. One must be truly desperate for safety to believe such nonsense.

Everyone knows that, sooner or later, the ratings issued by the credit agencies are just a new breed of systemic error to be propagated at modern speeds. Friends, please consider that the world is tough enough as it is. 

Nowadays, when information is just too voluminous and fast to handle, market or authorities have decided to delegate the evaluation of it into the hands of much fewer players such as the credit rating agencies. This will, almost by definition, introduce systemic risks in the market 

Let us not forget that the need for assets to be qualified as more or less risky is exactly the reason why the credit rating agencies were so much empowered that now we also have the credit rating agencies bias risk, which already helped to create the sub-prime mortgages debacle.

It would seem that the regulators thought the credit rating agencies possessed some extraterrestrial sensorial abilities that other humans did not. One must be truly desperate for safety to believe such nonsense.

Basel Committee, imposed on the banks capital requirements based on perceived risks and specifically referring to the risks already reflected in the ratings. The product is a hallucinogen, a bankers’ LSD. It increases the banker’s sensitivity to risk: he sees good credit ratings in much brighter lights; not-so-good ratings seem far scarier.

PS. In 2023, two decades later, here I am dialoguing with #AI #OpenAI #ChatGPT about it.

#AI #OpenAI Questions with Yes or No answers to #ChatGPT on central banks’ monetary policies.

I asked ChatGPT:

"Is bank credit a key element in the transmission mechanism of central banks’ monetary policies?" 
Answer Yes or No.

ChatGPT answered:


I asked ChatGPT:

"Do the risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements distort the allocation of bank credit?" 
Answer Yes or No.

ChatGPT answered:


I asked ChatGPT:

"Is that distortion considered by the central banks?"

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

#AI #OpenAI #ChatGPT: In terms of distortions could the weights of risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements be compared to tariffs?

I asked ChatGPT:

"Could the weights of the risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements, that distort the allocation of credit, be compared to what tariffs do by distorting trade?"

ChatGPT answered:

"Yes, there is a useful analogy between risk-weighted bank capital/equity requirements and tariffs in terms of how they can distort decision-making and resource allocation.

1. Risk-Weighted Bank Capital Requirements:

Banks are required to hold a certain amount of capital (equity) relative to the risk of their assets. The idea is that riskier assets (like unsecured loans or small business lending) require more capital to cushion against potential losses, while safer assets (like government bonds or mortgages) require less.

Distortion: This system can distort credit allocation because banks are incentivized to lend more to "low-risk" borrowers (like governments or those with real estate collateral) rather than to "higher-risk" but potentially more economically valuable activities (like lending to small businesses or startups). It might push credit towards less productive uses because of the capital costs associated with riskier lending.

2. Tariffs:

A tariff is a tax on imported goods, designed to protect domestic industries or raise revenue. While it aims to influence trade patterns, tariffs often lead to inefficient outcomes by distorting prices and encouraging domestic consumption of higher-cost or lower-quality goods, or by altering trade routes.

Distortion: Just as risk-weighted capital requirements skew banks toward "low-risk" lending, tariffs skew markets by artificially raising the cost of imported goods, distorting comparative advantage and trade flows.

Comparing the Distortions:

Both risk-weighted capital requirements and tariffs act as policy tools that have unintended economic consequences by changing the incentives for decision-makers.

In the case of bank capital requirements, they create credit distortions, potentially leading to underinvestment in innovative or risky ventures.

In the case of tariffs, they create trade distortions, encouraging inefficient domestic production or shifts in consumption that don't reflect true market value.

Both tools may protect certain areas (banks from insolvency, industries from foreign competition), but at the cost of overall economic efficiency.

Would you like to dive deeper into how these distortions play out in specific cases, or explore another aspect of the comparison?

I asked ChatGPT:

"Of the risk weights and the tariffs, which distorts more within a nation, domestically, and which affect more the relation between nations?"

ChatGPT answered:

"The distortion caused by risk weights and tariffs can be thought of in terms of their primary spheres of influence: domestic economies for risk weights and international relations for tariffs. Let’s break it down:

1. Risk Weights (Domestic Distortions):

Primary Impact:

Domestic Credit Allocation

Risk-weighted bank capital requirements primarily distort the domestic economy by affecting how banks allocate credit. Because banks are incentivized to lend more to low-risk borrowers (e.g., governments, large corporations, or real estate holders) and less to higher-risk, but potentially more productive borrowers (e.g., small businesses or startups), the effect is predominantly domestic.

Example of Distortion: 

If small businesses struggle to get loans because they are seen as "higher risk" due to the capital weightings, this could slow innovation, reduce job creation, and result in a misallocation of resources within a nation.

Less Impact on International Relations: 

Since the focus is on domestic credit markets, the influence of risk-weighted capital requirements on international economic relations is more indirect. They might influence how banks engage with foreign borrowers or investments, but this is not the primary distortion.

2. Tariffs (International Distortions):

Primary Impact: International Trade Relations

Tariffs primarily distort international trade relations by altering the natural flow of goods and services between nations. A tariff makes foreign goods more expensive, which can reduce imports, encourage domestic production (even if it's less efficient), and lead to retaliatory tariffs from other countries. This causes direct tension and shifts in global trade balances.

Example of Distortion: If a country imposes tariffs on steel imports, domestic manufacturers may start sourcing more expensive domestic steel. This distorts trade flows and can lead to inefficiencies both domestically (higher costs for manufacturers) and internationally (disrupting the global steel market).

Secondary Domestic Impact:

While tariffs aim to protect domestic industries, they can also have domestic effectsby raising prices for consumers, misallocating resources, and encouraging inefficient production. This, however, is a secondary effect compared to their primary role in influencing relations between nations.

Summary of Distortions:

Risk Weights: Distort more domestically by altering credit allocation within a nation.

Indirect or lesser international impact (unless foreign credit or investments are involved).

Tariffs: Distort more internationally by disrupting trade between nations.

Have secondary domestic distortions in terms of higher prices and resource misallocation.

So, risk weights distort more within the domestic economy, while tariffs have a larger international impact by distorting trade relations between nations. Does this distinction align with your expectations?

Would you like to explore further examples or consequences of these policies?"

I asked ChatGPT:

"Compared to the number of e.g., economists arguing against protective tariffs distorting international commerce, how many argue against the distortions produced by the risk weights?"

ChatGPT answered:

"The number of economists who actively argue against protective tariffs far exceeds those who focus on the distortions caused by risk-weighted bank capital requirements. There are several reasons for this imbalance:

1. Visibility and Familiarity:

Tariffs:More Visible in Public Discourse: 

Tariffs are widely debated in economics because they are directly linked to trade policy, which affects many industries, consumers, and workers. They are high-profile tools used in international trade wars (e.g., U.S.-China trade conflict) and have immediate, noticeable impacts on prices, imports, exports, and international relations.

Longstanding Focus in Economic Theory: 

Tariffs have been a central issue in economic theory since the 18th century, with foundational economists like Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and more recently Milton Friedman, all emphasizing the benefits of free trade and the distortions caused by protectionism. Economists often argue for comparative advantage and against tariffs because they view them as a distortion that reduces global welfare.

Mainstream Consensus: The overwhelming consensus among economists is that tariffs harm economic efficiency, making this a highly visible area of debate, especially in the media, political discussions, and policy circles.

Risk-Weighted Bank Capital Requirements:

More Technical and Niche:

Risk weights are a technical aspect of financial regulation, primarily discussed within banking and finance circles. While they have significant implications for credit allocation, they are not as visible or widely understood outside of financial professionals and certain academic circles.

Less Public Discussion: 

Risk weights are part of regulatory frameworks like Basel Accords (Basel I, II, III), which aim to prevent banking crises by managing risk. The complexity of financial regulations makes this a less accessible topic for the public, and thus it receives less attention from economists in public debates compared to tariffs.

2. Academic and Policy Focus:


Tariffs affect many economic sectors (manufacturing, agriculture, retail), making them a common subject for economists working in trade, international economics, and development. Since tariffs affect trade relationships and economic welfare on a global scale, many prominent economists and organizations (e.g., World Trade Organization, IMF) focus on these distortions.

The volume of literature on tariffs and free trade is vast, and it's a core area of study in almost every economics curriculum. This has led to a large number of economists regularly critiquing tariffs.

Risk-Weighted Bank Capital Requirements:

While economists recognize the distortions caused by risk-weighted capital requirements, this issue is mostly addressed by financial economists and regulators, especially those focusing on banking stability and systemic risk.

There is growing awareness of how risk weights distort credit allocation, but this has been a more specialized topic of concern, largely discussed in academic papers, financial regulation debates, and policy reports.

Critics exist, such as former bankers, financial regulators, and some economists, but this group is smaller and less prominent compared to the anti-tariff economists.

3. Nature of the Distortions:


The economic distortions from tariffs—such as reduced trade, higher consumer prices, retaliatory tariffs, and inefficient resource allocation—are more directly measurable and impact trade flows globally. The harms are often visible in the form of price hikes, reduced consumer choice, or job losses in export-dependent industries.

Economists have clear, quantitative evidence that tariffs lower overall welfare by disrupting comparative advantage and the benefits of trade.

Risk-Weighted Bank Capital Requirements:

The distortions caused by risk weights—such as banks over-lending to low-risk borrowers and under-lending to small businesses—are more subtle and harder to measure directly. The impact on credit allocation is significant, but it's not as immediately observable as the changes tariffs cause in trade flows or prices.

Banking stability vs. distortion: 

Some economists and regulators believe the benefits of risk-weighted capital requirements (i.e., preventing systemic risk and financial crises) outweigh the credit distortions. Hence, it’s not as universally criticized as tariffs are in trade discussions.

In Summary:

Tariffs: Criticism of tariffs is widespread, with many economists vocally arguing against their use. They are central to debates on free trade and are well-documented distortions in economic theory.

Risk Weights: Fewer economists argue against the distortions caused by risk-weighted capital requirements. This issue is more niche, primarily discussed in financial regulation circles, and seen by many as a necessary trade-off for banking stability.

The overwhelming consensus against tariffs versus the specialized nature of the debate on risk weights explains why there are far more economists vocally opposing tariffs than risk-weighted capital requirements. Would you like to explore more on the specific criticisms of risk weights by financial economists?"

I asked ChatGPT:

"Do you have any specific economic papers that have specifically made a point of criticizing the distortions caused by the risk weighted bank capital requirements in the allocation of bank credit to the economy?"

ChatGPT answered:

"Yes, several economic papers and analyses have raised concerns about the distortions caused by risk-weighted capital requirements in the allocation of credit. These papers generally critique how risk weights skew bank lending towards certain types of assets (such as government bonds or mortgages) while discouraging lending to more productive but riskier sectors (like small and medium-sized enterprises or startups). Here are some key works that address these issues:

1. “The Risk-Weighted Capital Regulation and Banks’ Portfolio Choice” (2012) by Ayadi, Arbak, and De GroenKey Focus: 

This paper discusses how risk-weighted capital requirements influence banks' portfolio choices and thereby distort the allocation of credit. It emphasizes that banks, aiming to minimize capital charges, are incentivized to favor low-risk, low-capital-weighted assets (such as government bonds) over higher-risk, higher-capital-weighted assets (such as corporate loans), even if those higher-risk assets could be more beneficial to the economy.

Critique: The paper argues that this behavior results in an inefficient allocation of capital, as banks’ lending decisions are driven by regulatory considerations rather than underlying economic needs.

2. “Risk Weights and Lending Bias” (2014) by Martin Hellwig

Key Focus: Martin Hellwig, a leading financial economist, critiques how the risk-weighting system creates lending biases. He argues that risk weights distort the allocation of bank credit by making certain assets artificially attractive to banks, regardless of their broader economic value.

Critique: Hellwig contends that risk-weighted capital regulations drive excessive lending to sectors like real estate and government debt, while productive sectors like entrepreneurship and innovation are starved of funds, as they are penalized by higher risk weights.

3. “The Distortive Effects of Risk-Weighted Capital Requirements on Credit Allocation” (2017) by Javier Suarez and Oren Sussman

Key Focus: This paper explicitly addresses how risk-weighted capital requirements distort banks' credit allocation decisions. It discusses how different risk weights assigned to various types of assets incentivize banks to direct their lending away from high-risk (but high-return) opportunities, such as business investment, towards low-risk (but lower-return) opportunities, like mortgage lending.

Critique: The authors emphasize that this distortion weakens the efficiency of capital allocation in the economy and could stifle innovation and economic growth by depriving riskier enterprises of the funding they need.

4. “Risk Weights and the Inefficient Allocation of Bank Capital” (2015) by Charles Goodhart

Key Focus: Charles Goodhart, a former member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, has written extensively about the unintended consequences of financial regulations, including risk-weighted capital requirements.

Critique: In this paper, Goodhart argues that the risk-weighting system leads to an inefficient allocation of capital by favoring certain types of assets (notably sovereign bonds) while penalizing others, such as business loans. He notes that the differential treatment of assets according to their risk weights results in credit shortages for sectors that are crucial for long-term economic growth but are considered risky in the short term.

5. “Risk-Based Capital Requirements and Credit Allocation: Consequences for European SMEs” (2021) by Degryse, Ioannidou, and Peydro

Key Focus: This paper examines how risk-weighted capital requirements impact the availability of credit for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which often receive higher risk weights. The authors analyze the consequences of these regulations on credit allocation within Europe, where SMEs form a large part of the economy.

Critique: The paper shows that higher capital charges for SME loans make banks less likely to lend to these businesses, even though SMEs are essential for economic growth and job creation. The authors argue that the risk-weighting system distorts the market by directing credit away from this crucial sector.

6. “Basel III: Long-Term Impact on Economic Growth and Financial Stability” (2013) by Adrian Blundell-Wignall and Paul Atkinson

Key Focus: This study looks at the overall impact of Basel III regulations, including risk-weighted capital requirements, on the global economy. While it acknowledges the need for financial stability, it also critiques the potential long-term economic consequences of these regulations.

Critique: The authors argue that the system encourages banks to over-invest in low-risk assets like sovereign debt at the expense of lending to the private sector, particularly small businesses. This could reduce economic dynamism and lead to slower economic growth over time.

7. “Bank Capital Regulation and Risk-Taking: Implications for Financial Stability” (2020) by Allen N. Berger, Raluca Roman, and John Sedunov

Key Focus: This paper delves into how capital regulations, including risk-weighted requirements, impact bank behavior and risk-taking. It highlights the trade-off between financial stability and economic growth.

Critique: The authors note that while these regulations may promote stability, they also encourage banks to avoid risky but productive lending, leading to credit misallocation. They argue that these distortions are particularly harmful in periods of economic recovery when higher-risk investments may be necessary to drive growth.


These papers demonstrate a growing body of academic work that critiques how risk-weighted capital requirementsdistort the allocation of bank credit. The main arguments revolve around the idea that these regulations push banks towards low-risk, low-return assets (like government bonds or real estate) while discouraging them from lending to riskier but more economically beneficial sectors (like SMEs or innovative firms).

If you're interested in any of these papers, I can provide more specific insights or summaries of their findings. Would you like to explore any of these in more detail?

I asked ChatGPT:

"Do bankers, wanting to minimize capital/equity requirements, represent a more concentrated and therefore a more powerful lobby, than those wanting to impose tariffs? If so could this partly explain why tariffs are much more publicly discussed than risk weights?"

ChatGPT answered:

"Yes, bankers seeking to minimize capital and equity requirements likely represent a more concentrated and powerful lobby than those advocating for tariffs, and this difference in lobbying power could help explain why risk weightsreceive less public discussion compared to tariffs. Let's explore the dynamics behind this in detail:

1. Concentration of Interests:

Bankers and Financial Institutions (Risk Weights):

Banks, particularly large multinational ones, are among the most powerful and concentrated lobbying groups in many countries, especially in the U.S. and Europe. They have significant financial resources and an enormous stake in minimizing capital requirements and adjusting regulations in their favor.

Banks tend to lobby centralized regulators like the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, and Basel Committee (which designs global banking rules). Their focus on complex financial regulations, such as risk weights, is specific, technical, and directly tied to their profitability. The fact that these institutions represent a smaller, more concentrated group of stakeholders gives them more lobbying power and influence compared to trade groups or industries.

Regulatory capture: There's also the phenomenon of "regulatory capture," where financial regulators may be influenced or dominated by the industry they regulate. This allows banks to have an outsized influence in shaping the policies around risk weights and capital requirements.

Trade and Tariff Advocates:

In contrast, the interests around tariffs are far more diffuse and divided across various industries. While certain industries (like steel, agriculture, or manufacturing) may lobby for protectionist tariffs, they do not form a single cohesive group. Each sector has its own interests, and their motivations for imposing tariffs can conflict with other parts of the economy.

Moreover, many industries (especially import-heavy sectors like retail or technology) actively oppose tariffs. This makes it harder for a single concentrated voice to dominate the tariff debate compared to the more unified voice of financial institutions lobbying around risk weights.

2. Public Awareness and Complexity:

Risk Weights (Complex and Technical):The technical complexity of risk-weighted capital requirements means that the public, and even policymakers outside of financial circles, often have little understanding of their importance or implications.

Discussions about Basel III regulations, risk weights, and capital ratios are not easily digestible for the general public or media, and these issues tend to be confined to specialized discussions among bankers, regulators, and financial economists. As a result, the lobbying around risk weights largely occurs behind the scenes, and there is little public discourse or debate.

Banks have a vested interest in keeping these discussions technical and out of the public eye, as a low-profile regulatory adjustment can have significant implications for their profitability without attracting widespread attention or political opposition.

Tariffs (Simple and Public): Tariffs, on the other hand, are far easier for the public and media to understand. The basic premise that tariffs raise the cost of foreign goods and protect domestic industries is straightforward and affects consumers directly through prices and availability of products. This makes tariffs a more politically charged issue that invites public debate.

Tariffs often become a high-profile issue during election campaigns, trade wars, or when large industries (like steel or agriculture) are affected. Politicians may use tariffs to appeal to populist sentiments about protecting domestic jobs and industries, which generates media coverage and public debate.

3. Power of Financial Lobbying:

Financial Industry's Political Clout:

Banks and financial institutions wield significant political influence due to their financial resources, connections, and lobbying power. According to reports from various political transparency organizations, the financial industry is one of the top spenders in lobbying activities, particularly in the U.S. and EU.

For example, the influence of banks was seen in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, when they lobbied intensely on the design and implementation of post-crisis regulations, including the Basel III framework. Banks successfully lobbied to soften some of the proposed rules around capital requirements, arguing that overly strict regulations could harm lending and economic growth. This shows how financial institutions can shape regulatory frameworks in ways that suit their interests, with limited public scrutiny.
The financial industry’s ability to focus resources on a narrow range of technical issues, like risk weights, gives it more power to steer regulations in ways that avoid public attention.

Tariffs and Diffuse Lobbying Power:

While industries that benefit from tariffs (such as agriculture or manufacturing) do lobby heavily, their power is more dispersed across different sectors. Additionally, sectors that rely on free trade (such as technology, retail, or export-oriented industries) often lobby against tariffs, making the overall influence on trade policy more diffuse and subject to greater public debate.

Tariffs are more likely to become part of high-visibility political debates because of their immediate and visible impact on prices, jobs, and international relations. However, the lobbying around tariffs is less concentrated, and industries that benefit from tariffs often face opposition from industries that rely on trade, making it harder for any single group to dominate the discussion.

4. Explaining the Difference in Public Discussion:

Risk weights receive less public attention largely because they are a niche, technical issue championed by a concentrated group of powerful financial institutions. These institutions prefer to lobby behind the scenes, often working directly with regulators and policymakers in a highly specialized context. The lack of public understanding and the complexity of the subject help keep these discussions out of the political spotlight.

Tariffs, on the other hand, affect a broader range of stakeholders and are highly visible in public debates. Since tariffs directly impact prices, jobs, and industries in ways that voters can easily understand, they become a political issue that attracts more public scrutiny and media attention. The more diffuse lobbying on tariffs also means there are competing voices (pro-tariff vs. free trade) that fuel public discourse.


In summary, the concentrated power of the banking lobby around risk-weighted capital requirements, combined with the technical nature of the issue, means that it receives less public discussion compared to tariffs. The financial industry’s ability to work behind the scenes with regulators contrasts with the more public and politically charged debates around tariffs, which involve a broader range of industries and consumers.

This difference in lobbying dynamics helps explain why tariffs are much more publicly debated, while the distortions caused by risk-weighted bank capital requirements are more quietly dealt with in financial regulation circles. Would you like to explore specific examples of lobbying around these issues or how financial institutions have influenced risk-weight regulations?"

I asked ChatGPT:

"Would this concentrated power of the banking lobby also influence how much economic commentators, media and financial experts in general, discuss the distortions caused by the risk weights?"

ChatGPT answered:

"Yes, the concentrated power of the banking lobby likely influences how much economic commentators, media, and financial experts discuss the distortions caused by risk-weighted capital requirements. Several interrelated factors contribute to this dynamic:

1. Influence on Public Discourse:

Setting the Agenda: Banks and financial institutions, through their lobbying power, can shape the narrative around financial regulations. When these institutions advocate for certain interpretations of regulations or downplay the issues related to risk weights, they can effectively limit the scope of public discourse.

Media Coverage: Financial media outlets often rely on industry sources for insights and analysis. If influential banks prioritize discussing certain topics (like the benefits of risk weights for stability), commentators may be less inclined to cover the distortions or criticize the system, particularly if those institutions threaten to withdraw access or resources.

2. Limited Competition for Attention:

Competing Issues: 

The banking sector's concentrated influence often means that discussions about risk weights are sidelined in favor of more immediate and pressing issues, such as economic growth, job creation, or the impacts of tariffs. The immediacy of visible economic issues tends to dominate headlines, making it challenging for more technical discussions about risk weights to gain traction.

Lack of Controversy: 

Unlike tariffs, which can spark heated debates among industries and political groups, discussions about risk weights are generally less controversial and do not evoke strong public sentiments. This lack of controversy can lead to fewer media outlets dedicating coverage to the topic.

3. Expertise and Specialization:

Technical Nature: The topic of risk-weighted capital requirements is highly specialized and requires a certain level of expertise to discuss meaningfully. As a result, it may not engage broader audiences, including economic commentators or general financial experts who may not have deep knowledge in this niche area. This can lead to fewer discussions in mainstream economic commentary.

Focus on Banking Stability: Many financial experts prioritize discussions around banking stability, systemic risks, and regulatory frameworks, often framing risk weights in terms of their necessity for financial stability rather than their potential distortions. This focus can obscure discussions about the negative effects of risk weights on credit allocation.

4. Economic Perspectives and Theoretical Frameworks:

Regulatory Support: Economists and experts may support the use of risk-weighted capital requirements as necessary for mitigating systemic risk and preventing banking crises. This perspective can lead to a confirmation bias in discussions, where the benefits of these regulations are emphasized while their distortions are downplayed or overlooked.

Lack of Alternative Frameworks: There are fewer alternative frameworks or proposals that challenge the existing risk-weighting system compared to the robust debate surrounding tariffs. This lack of alternatives may lead to less active discussion about the potential flaws or necessary reforms regarding risk weights.

5. Institutional Relationships:

Access and Relationships: Many commentators and experts maintain relationships with financial institutions, either through employment, consultancy, or advisory roles. This can create a reluctance to critique the banking lobby or risk-weight regulations openly, as doing so might jeopardize these relationships or access to industry insights.

Potential Conflicts of Interest: Financial experts might have vested interests in maintaining favorable relations with the banking sector, which can further deter open discussions about the negative impacts of risk-weight regulations.


The concentrated power of the banking lobby significantly influences the level of discussion and critique around the distortions caused by risk-weighted capital requirements. Through agenda-setting, controlling narratives, and shaping expert opinions, banks can limit the visibility of these issues in economic discourse and media coverage.

As a result, discussions of risk weights often remain technical and confined to specialized circles, while more visible and politically charged issues like tariffs dominate public debate. This dynamic can contribute to a lack of awareness or understanding of the potential economic consequences of risk-weighted capital requirements among policymakers, the media, and the general public.

If you're interested, we can look into specific instances of media coverage or commentary related to risk weights and compare them to discussions about tariffs or other economic issues. Would you like to explore that?"

I said: Enough for today on this. Thanks!

It said: "You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have more questions in the future or want to discuss any other topics, feel free to reach out. Have a great day!"

Note: The answers are copied exactly from those given to me by OpenAI


A 2018 letter in Washington PostThere is another tariff war that is being dangerously ignored.”

A 2019 letter to IMF on risk weights and tariffs.