My questions to ChatGPT – OpenAI… about current bank regulations... I might keep on chatting with my new AI ally about these :-)
Could the risk weighted bank capital requirements be understood as a tax on access to bank credit?
Are bank regulators thinking of themselves too much as Gods?
"Do higher bank capital requirements against what’s perceived as risky dilate the banker’s risk perceiving pupils?"
"Is bank credit a key element in the transmission mechanism of central banks’ monetary policies?" Answer Yes or No.
"Could the weights of the risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements, that distort the allocation of credit, be compared to what tariffs do by distorting trade?"
"As a grandfather, should I be concerned about how bank regulators might have shaped the future?"
"Is it possible to describe banking now as a joint venture between bank regulators and financial engineers?"
"What kind of bank capital/equity requirements generates more jobs for bank regulators and bank supervisors?"
“Could the risk-free interest rate, and the natural interest rate, be affected by credit risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements?”
"The type of discrimination in the access to bank credit bank capital/equity requirements with decreed risk weights 0% government - 100% citizens produce, from a political philosophy’s angle, where would it seem most likely to fit: Russia, Argentina or the United States?"
“If banks are required to hold much more equity against loans to small businesses than against Treasuries and residential mortgages, as a small business, is my access to bank credit made harder than it would be in the absence of such regulation?”
When lending banks take into account what they perceive as safe and as risky. If regulators allow lower bank equity requirements against what’s perceived safe than against what’s perceived risky, could that distort the allocation of bank credit?
"What would you opine of risk weighted bank capital requirements with risk weights assigned for political reasons?"
Is the distortion produced in the allocation of bank credit by the risk weighted bank capital requirements, in any way considered by central banks when deciding on monetary policies?"
“Two options:
A: The most dangerous risks to banking system revolve around what’s perceived as risky
B: The most dangerous risks to banking system revolve around what’s perceived as safe
To which option respectively do the terms geocentric and heliocentric best apply?”
"How much must bank regulators know about risks, before they should be allowed to introduce risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements?"
"What’s more dangerous to bank systems assets perceived ex ante as risky turning out to be risky ex post, or assets perceived as safe turning out risky?"
“Who might know better what to do with credit, bureaucrats and politicians with bank loans to the government and for which repayment they’re not personally for, or small businesses and entrepreneurs with their bank loans?”
"Should bank regulators or supervisors be aware of the duration risk, interest rate risk with US Treasury long term bonds?"
"Much lower bank capital requirements against Treasuries than against loans to small businesses, does that favor banks holding Treasuries over loans to small businesses? If so, could it be regarded as a regulatory distortion?"
"1988, with Basel I, for the purpose of bank capital requirements, regulators changed from using a leverage ratio to risk weighted ones. In terms of the impact on the allocation of credit, should that be considered a major historic economic event?"
"Current risk weighted bank capital requirements are based on what’s perceived as risky is more dangerous to bank systems than what’s perceived as safe. How does that square with that the large bank exposures that detonated major bank crises were all built-up with what’s perceived as safe?"
"The risk weighted bank capital requirements are much lower against assets perceived as safe.
Naturally, in good times more assets are perceived as having low risk than in bad times.
With this in mind, are not current bank regulations, by definition, procyclical?"
"In Basel I, Basel II and Basel III, where can we find the efficient allocation of bank credit to the economy in general, specifically identified as a vital purpose of banks?"
"Basel Committee, ignoring how it could distort credit allocation, de facto stated:
Note: The answers are copied exactly from those given to me by OpenAI
Could #ChatGPT and I be sued by bank regulators for misinformation?
I wish! If only I could meet them in court.
Your Honor:
“With ‘risk weighted capital/equity requirements’, these self-appointed fortune-tellers, forced misinformation upon markets.”