Friday, May 6, 2011
The Basel Committee for Banking Supervision, and other assorted bank regulators, decided to increase the risk-adverseness of banks by imposing on them capital requirements based on officially perceived risk, among other as perceived by some few officially appointed risk-perceivers, the credit rating agencies.
And, naturally, if when doing so one favors the financing of houses, public debt and whatever has managed to temporarily hustle up a good credit rating, and discriminate against all of what is officially perceived as “risky”, like small businesses and entrepreneurs, one will, naturally, end up with a lot of houses, dangerously excessive lending to what is triple-A rated, a huge public debt, and very few jobs which, to create, requires a lot of risk-taking.
How sad the regulators did not listen to Pope John Paul II when he said “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” "Duc in Altum"