Monday, November 10, 2014

20% credit risk weighted total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC), is an assassination of the real economy

Mark Carney of the Financial Stability Board has just mentioned the possibility of 20% credit risk-weighted total loss-absorbing capacity for banks TLAC.

That, when lending to for instance one of the AAAristocracy who carries a risk weight of 20%, means the bank would need to hold 4% in TLAC.

But, when lending to a small business, which carries a risk weight of 100%, then the bank would need to hold 20% in TLAC... 5 times more! ...16% more!

This will of course mean that banks will lend too much to “the infallible” at too low interest rates, and never more to small businesses and other “risky” unless at extremely high relative interest rates.

That means in effect an assassination of the real economy

Why do bank regulators deny their children the risk-taking by banks that benefitted them?

And the price for achieving that by discriminating against the "risky", will foremost be paid by the poor, increasing the inequalities. Good job!