Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What if taking down our bank systems was/is an evil masterful plan for winter to come?

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The poison used is that of basing bank capital requirements on ex ante perceived risks, more risk more capital, less risk much less capital.

That way banks were given incentives to build up the largest exposures to what is ex ante perceived by bankers as safe, something which, as we know, in the long run, when ex post some of it turns out very risky, is what always take bank systems down.

For that they made sure no one considered making the risks conditional on how bankers perceive the risks.
And that hurdle cleared, some very few human fallible credit rating agencies were given an enormous influence in determining what is risky and what is safe.

And taking advantage of some statists or that few noticed, sovereigns were assigned a 0% risk weight, while citizens 100%. That guaranteed government bureaucrats got too much of that credit they’re not personally responsible, and e.g. the entrepreneurs too little.

And to make the plan even more poisonous some European authorities were convinced to also assign to all Eurozone sovereigns a 0% risk weight, and this even though these all take up loans in a currency that is not their domestic printable one.

And because banks were allowed to leverage much more with “safe” residential mortgages than with loans to “risky” small and medium businesses, houses prices went up faster than availability of jobs, and houses morphed from homes into investment assets

And finally, by means of bailouts, Tarps, QE’s, fiscal deficit, ultra low interest rates and other concoctions, enormous amounts of financial stimuli was poured on that weak structure… and so the evil now just sit back and wait for winter to come