Saturday, December 26, 2020

My very brief summary of Basel I, II, III history... and my hopes for a future Basel IV

1988 Basel I (30 pages) decreed risk weighted bank capital requirements with risk weights of 0% the sovereign and 100% citizens, which de facto indicates bureaucrats know better what to do with credit they’re not personally responsible for than citizens.

2004 Basel II (251 pages), (creative capital minimizing/leverage maximizing financial engineers, fooled regulators into believing that the buildup of those excessive exposures that could endanger our bank systems, is done with assets perceived as risky.

2010 Basel III (the current version has so many pieces it’s hard to say how many pages it contains but it's at least 1.600), some small gestures of rationality like a leverage ratio and countercyclical capital buffers BUT, on the margins of bank capital requirements, which is where it most counts, Basel I's and Basel II's distortions are alive and kicking.

202X Basel IV, lets pray they throw Basel I, II and III out, and set a fix bank capital requirement of 10%-15% on absolutely all assets. That would allow the so much needed traditional bank loan officers to return to the banks