Saturday, December 7, 2019


Here rests a bank regulator who all his life believed that what bankers perceived as risky was more dangerous to our bank systems than what bankers perceived as safe. 
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator who based the risk weighted bank capital requirements on bankers perceiving risk correctly, and not on that they could be wrong.
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a regulator who missed his lectures on conditional probabilities, and therefore did not set the risk weighted capital requirements conditioned on how bankers respond to perceived credit risks.
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a regulator who even though bankers respond to perceived credit risks, with size of exposures and risk adjusted interest rates, also wanted bank capital to double up on that same perceived risk
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator who never understood the systemic risks he introduced into banking, by for instance assigning so much power to credit rating agencies, or his stress-testings on the stresses a la mode.
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator who never understood his own risk aversion and confirmation bias stress, before stress testing banks on the possibility of his own regulations being wrong.

May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator who for the risk weighted bank capital requirements agreed with risk weights of 20% for dangerous AAA rated and 150% for innocous below BB- rated
May his soul rest in peace.

“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.” John A. Shedd.
Here rests a bank regulator who caused banks to dangerously overpopulate safe harbors, and sent other investors and small time savers out on the risky oceans. 
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator who by much favoring banks to finance the "safer" present over the "riskier" future, blocked millions of SMEs' and entrepreneurs' access to bank credit and with it to risk-taking… the oxygen of all development
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a statist bank regulator who believed a government bureaucrat knows better (Risk Weight 0%) what to do with credit he’s not personally responsible for, than an entrepreneur or SME (RW 100%)
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator who for risk weighted bank capital requirements agreed with a low 35% risk weight to residential mortgages, which caused houses to morph from affordable homes to risky investment assets.
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a bank regulator with a Ph.D. who proved right Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who supposedly held “There are some mistakes only Ph.Ds. can make.
May his soul rest in peace.

Here lies a central banker who injected huge amounts of liquidity without understanding how risk weighted bank capital requirements distorted the allocation of credit
May his soul rest in peace.

Here lies a financial journalist who scared stiff he would never be invited to WEF in Davos, never questioned the risk weighted bank capital requirements. 
May his soul rest in peace.

Here lies an ordinary citizen who wanting so much to believe it true, swallowed lock stock and barrel the regulatory technocrats' populism imbedded in the risk weighted bank capital requirements
May his soul rest in peace.

Here rests a regulator who helped guarantee especially large bank crises, caused by especially large exposures to what’s perceived especially safe and might not be, and is held against especially little capital
May his soul rest...

Here rests a regulator who assisted by his central bank colleagues, helped set horrible Minsky moments on steroids
May his soul rest...